He’s Dangerous~ A Bomb~ Kick It to the Curb

The Path Forward
The Path Forward
(Click on Picture)

I just put both these books on my Amazon list. Seems it’s the only kind of men I have had the misfortune too attract. Perhaps that is why I don’t feel the urge to connect in that way.
Perhaps I projected the wrong things back then…and needed to take a better look at myself.

I wish one person would have said this one word too me (He’s a LOVE BOMBER~ RUN) and then perhaps my eyes could have opened to that realization sooner. Instead it took me too many long and erratic years. He had a new victim lined up before he even let me fall off the limb. He had held onto ever so tightly for so long. Just Like a monkey on a limb, they will not let go until they have a firm hold on the next one.
He was inconsistent, insecure, he accused me of things, insinuated and said derogatory remarks. He would always say “I know you have someone else”. He was the one that always had someone else. He tried to project what he does, feels and thinks on too me and I did not like it. After all I have my own thoughts and feelings, I do not need anyone else’s.

Men seem to be intimidated, fearful of me of late. I am too much for them, and most men look for the weak ones.

Narcissistic Men,Psycho, Ninnyhammer’s…No Thank You

I Want All My Emotions

Lately I have been dreaming numbers,seeing them everywhere.
11:11 and 444 seem to be on my wavelengths.
I took this as perhaps a nudge to check my Numerology stats.

What I found was interesting.

I am 6-8-6

As you are so self-sacrificing you are also in danger of working yourself to the point of exhaustion. One of your life path lessons is to remember to care for yourself as much as you care for others.

Note:This is so true.I do care for others and often feel that I would like to be cared for with the same intensity.I am very perceptive of others needs.I go the extra mile more times than not.

Yep,that would be “Me”

There ya go,that service to others.In a earlier post I mentioned that I was a server in the restaurant business from coast to coast for over 35 years.You have to really like people to be in that occupation.

The term “Enough” always comes to my mind when I read things about worldly goods and materialistic things.Things that may make you feel good or help you lead a more simplified life.
Abundance is something I possess.It may not always be monetary,but it is so relevant in my life.I always seem to have “Enough”

“May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, and enough hope to bring you joy.”

For as long as I can remember persons have seeked me out for answers to their problems, there issues. It’s like “Hey, you’ve been there, what would you do?  How would you react ?
I would try to explain that my decisions may or may not work for them.If they were willing to listen,I tried to help them in someway.

I wrote this in 2003:
Many are feeling out of sorts.Many are seeing and hearing things they know from where but ask why.Much stress is involved in daily living,let this pass.Make no quick decisions.Let the waves settle that have sprung up in your waters.Let the mind be to not rationalize and tear every thought process to shreds.

What is right will be known to you.

You must believe this.

You must be more aware and open to these changes.

You may even miss them if you do not be on the alert.Get rest.Sleep when you feel drained.If you do not and continue to DO things that need to be done but can be done later you will pay .

Your mind will not recess what it needs it will short-circuit and you will feel scattered and useless.You will feel unimportant and you will feel that nothing matters.

Please understand that it is YOU that must see,hear and feel these things.

Then you can release them.

Others will see as if a veil has been lifted from there eyes.

Do not despair,be forgiving,there is always hope.

When we follow our heart, we follow OUR path of least resistance.

We enjoy what we do and do it joyously.


The Taurus/Scorpio polarity pulls us into deep, unexplored energies and spaces. Do we really want to go there? Do we really have a choice? The choice is between now or later. We simply cannot ignore the emotional dynamic of our soul and we really don’t want to. Our power is embodied in our emotions. And our ultimate peace and satisfaction requires the integration of our emotional energy into our body and psyche. And if you desire real and meaningful relationships with yourself and others, get started.

In relationship, women (and men) often notice that their partners are not emotionally available. The truth is that neither men nor women are emotionally unavailable to themselves. The only way to attract a partner that is emotionally available is to cultivate that level of attention to ourselves.

Feel your feelings. Keep feeling your feelings. Stay with your feelings without thinking about them, without interpreting them, without judging them.

Compassionately stay present to the rich expressions of your emotional body. Lovingly be with your instinctual self as you would be with a child or a pet.

Being present to our emotional energy is how we connect with our inner child, which we have all abandoned. Reconnecting with our inner child is the basis for healing our childhood wounds of abandonment. Reconnecting to our inner child leads us to reconnect with our soul. As we communicate with our soul and create real intimacy within ourselves, we open ourselves to attract deeper intimacy in relationship.

The more we become emotionally honest with ourselves, the more we can be honest (without blaming, dumping and projecting) with others. The more honest we are, the more alive and balanced we become. Emotional energy is a great attractor.

The more real we are, the more we can magnetize satisfying relationships and circumstances in our lives.


Healing is an inside affair, which requires shifting our attention from the outside in. We have to shift our mode of stimulation inwardly too. We have to stimulate and activate ourselves with our own attention.

To become a sensory human, we have to work with the emotional energy of our issues in our body and in our deep psyche. We discover the painful and empowering truth that no one can save us but ourselves. This is an ongoing, long-term, subtle and very personal process. There are no exact formulas that will deliver us pain-free to the other side.
The following are some guidelines that can help you be with your emotional energy in a healing and empowering way.

(1) Get in touch with the purity of your soul essence before attempting to heal your emotional body.

(2) Do your best to process from the neutral mind. In the neutral mind and heart we can listen, observe and be with our emotional energy with unconditional acceptance.

(3) In the world of emotions, our energy is usually not neutral. A neutral vantage point will however allow us to practice (a) accepting, (b) allowing and (c) loving what we experience.

(4) Notice in a nonjudgmental way how and where you restrict, hold back,resist and hesitate. Be with these sensations in your body.

(5) Monitor your reactions and responses. Notice how and when your responses are a result of automatic conditioning. Notice that when you are conscious of your soul essence how your reactions and responses are different. Monitoring the difference opens you to the possibility of freedom of choice.

(6) To love is a soul action. We have to invite our soul energy home into our body. Simply be with your energy like you would be with a child or a pet.

(7) Practice various ways to nurture your energy, including (a) letting go and relaxing, (b) accepting and allowing, (c) moving with connected, gentle exercise.

(8) Practice different attitudes of consciousness including being (a) unconditional, (b) flexible, (c) flowing, and (d) present~ listen and feel what is happening.

We realize the pure essence of our soul in our mind, but our soul is not embodied via the mind. We have to invite it in through the emotional body.
The soul reconnects through the physical and emotional bodies and the heart.
It is through conscious sensitivity that we pull in or retrieve our soul.

Credit is given (Marshall B. Rosenberg)

“Nonviolent Communication: a Language of Compassion,” Marshall B. Rosenberg,

(Highly recommended!!)

Two Bridges

The Wounded Healer

When you hear kids say, “talk to the hand”, there’s a reason for it. It’s an intuitive defense mechanism against the oncoming energies of emotion and mind. Quite clever really. The power of your own actions, attitudes, inner feelings, and ways is all you ever really have in this world.

via The Wounded Healer.

Dark Night of the Soul

It is difficult to know that your heart is not beating freely if the weight of the ego upon it is all you’ve ever known. Almost everyone suffers the same ailment. When we pass through the Dark Night we realize “I am a free Self and still connected to the world.”

Dark Night of Soul

The Mystic (Dark and light)

Embracing the Dark~Honoring the Light

Pluto Inner Darkness


The Journey Down the Sidewalk of Life: Psychological Self-Help

My path has been one of many highs and lows.

Unforeseen pebbles;and at times boulders strewn in front of me.

I fell in many holes in my side walk of discovery.

I chose to get out,to avoid those holes.

I was involved with some for the wrong reasons

Now I am not involved for the right reasons

There are no Holes in my sidewalk.

Fall into enough of the holes in the sidewalks of life and you may become whole.
Through the lessons of the holes of life, you approach wholeness.
Becoming whole means striving to be all that you can be. All potentialities are explored.
You know what you do, and why you do it.
Choices are made, and you are responsible for these choices.
The holes in the sidewalk are actually invitations to grow.
Are you open to the invitation?

There’s a Hole in my Sidewalk

I. I walk down the street
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk
I fall in
It isn’t my FAULT.
It takes forever to to find my way out.
II. I walk down the street
There is a deep HOLE in the sidewalk
I pretend I don’t see it
I FALL in again…
I can’t believe I’m in the same place
But it isn’t my fault.
It still takes a long time to get out.
III.I walk down the same street
There is a deep HOLE in the sidewalk
I see it is there
I see it is there.
I still FALL in…it’s a HABIT…but my eyes are open
I KNOW where I am
It is my FAULT

IV. I walk down the same street
There is a deep HOLE in the sidewalk
V. I WALK DOWN ANOTHER STREET!!!:) by Portia Nelson
