Music and Missteps

Lady Blue Phoenix Utube Channel

It’s my 71 st Birthday on the 18 th. I finally got a Smartphone. I am on a huge learning curve, but loving it.

A new tattoo.

A furry hamster I call MuMoo. He looks like a black and white cow.


I love my UTUBE channel setup especially with my recent installment of Firestick.

I can sit relaxed and comfy in my living room chair without being tied down to my computer chair.

It has been very handy since the incidents in my life lately.

First a shot of cortisone (July 29 th) in my out of whack left hip caused 6 weeks of not being able to lift my leg enough to put undies on. Not a good thing.

Than my fall ( September 26 th 2019) which bruised my buttocks (will not show graphic photo). It has left numerous bumps that are painful to my touch.

Than on the 28th of November I was misting my flowers. A very heavy vintage bottle (Heavier than a iron skillet) fell on my right foot.

Either I am moving at the speed of light or I can not seem to get out of my very own way.

Just another Beautiful day in Beautiful Key West…

(Photo by Mimi)

Not complaining 🙂


Seasons Change

I am on my fourth day of not smoking cigarettes. I have smoked everyday since I was 15 years old. I will be 71 on the 18th of this month. I quit Mary-Jane in August of this year. I started smoking POT when my daughter was a baby.  51 years ago.  I quit smoking cigarettes when I was pregnant, the day I had her I started up again. It is a powerful addiction; Nicotine. It is harder to quit than any drug I have ever used and abused.

For my birthday I got another Tattoo. Have not gotten one since my Phoenix in 2009.


I got this one on the 27 th.

“Life Is Beautiful”


On to the Blog Post I wrote last night. Thinking is a powerful thing. Best to write it down.

It is what it is

2:35 AM 11/1/2019

“You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens.”

It Was what it Was

Leaving Michigan

Wake up.

Wish I could go back to sleep.

Listen to the same people complaining about the same things.


Hoping that I wake up in the morning.

No matter what I did too not wake up, I woke. In a super duper Daze but alive.

Wake up again and repeat.

This was my routine for YEARS before I finally couldn’t take it anymore.

I was possibly more miserable than I’d ever been.

Why wasn’t my life changing ?

So I plodded on, and accepted my life as it was. I tried to make the best of things. And sometimes, it worked, but not for long.

Eventually the feelings of dissatisfaction would return. The feeling of helplessness. Feeling stuck. Wanting to escape.

But there was no way out. I’d be repeating this day forever. And ever.
Let It Go

Around this time, I was reading a lot about how we need to close one door before another can open.

I didn’t even know what I wanted anymore. I just knew I didn’t want what I had.

I had to follow my heart. What if my heart was only telling me what I didn’t want? What if it was refusing to tell me what was next?

What if I closed one door and the other one got stuck?

What then?

I was so afraid of what would happen, I held on for months, hoping for an answer to drop out of the sky.

Until the pain of staying where I was suddenly became too much to bear. I couldn’t take it anymore. Suddenly, what happened next didn’t matter.

I didn’t care.

I saw the madness of what I was doing. Just to survive.
And even surviving wasn’t much fun.

The Brass Key

So I surrendered. I did what I’d felt called to do all along: I said goodbye to the man I’d been clinging to. With no idea of what was coming next. With no income and little money.

But as soon as I made my decision, I felt a huge sense of relief. I wondered what had taken me so long.

Of course, it wasn’t long until the fear crept back in. I had moments when I wondered what I was doing and how I would survive.

But even in those moments of doubt, there was a knowing that leaving my present situation was the right thing to do.

All my life, I’d put survival first. Now it was time to put myself first.

My happiness. My sanity. My peace of mind.

The worst-case scenario may not be so bad. In fact, it might be quite good.

I was lucky. I was never going to be out on the streets ever again. I knew I had the option of returning to stay with my daughter until I sorted myself out. But I really didn’t want to do that. I was far too old for that now. It was the Year 1992

Besides, that would mean living in a town far away from anywhere, with no transport of my own.

Despite my best hopes that something else would magically turn up, I indeed ended up hitch hiking to Key West. I tried telling myself it would be fine, but the scary thoughts were still lurking.

18 Wheels to Key West

However, within a couple of weeks of the move, I saw the new path begin to emerge—chance meetings with like-minded people, work opportunities in unexpected places.

And for the first time in months, I actually felt happy. Because for the first time in my life, I was truly putting myself first. And I was truly living in the present.

Survival was no longer the name of the game.

My own peace of mind and happiness was.

When the pain of being where you are is too much to handle, when life is shoving you in the direction of the unknown, dare to trust it.

As I said, I was lucky. I know not everybody can do exactly as I did. Not everyone has someone who can help them out while they make a drastic life change.

I also know how annoying it can be to be told to change your life when you simply don’t see how. But the point here isn’t to do what I did, but to let go where you can.

You may have to face your own worst-case scenario.

When you begin to take care of yourself, when you follow what feels good for you and put your own physical and mental health first, you’ll find the path will begin to open up. You’ll find support from unexpected places.

You may even find that your worst-case scenario turns out to be the best thing you could have hoped for.

What I’ve learned is that having a plan is overrated.

Sometimes we really do need to let go and see what happens next.



Remembering Crikey



This is a post I created when Steve died.It was located in my zimbabast web pages that are no longer on the web.I kept the HTML of all pages. This past week I have been watching the new series on his family and how they have carried on and preserved his passion for wildlife.

The morning of September 4th 2006 I was watching the news. It was Labor Day Holiday.

I had went to put a pot of coffee on and heard the shocking words that now have become a mainstay here and around the world.

The Wildlife Warrior, our Crocodile Hunter was dead.

He died on the 4th, he was 44.

I thought how strange, those numbers.

Many believe 444 means an angel is close by

In Doreen Virtue’s book on Angel Numbers, she describes the meaning of 444 as, “Thousands of angels surround you at this moment loving and supporting you. You have a very strong and clear connection with the angelic realm, and are an Earth angel yourself. You have nothing to fear, all is well.”

In disbelief and shock, my tears began falling.

As I went about my day the airways were filled with the news.

The unbelievable news that he was gone.

The man who seemed invincible had been swimming off the coast of the Great Barrier Reef.

He swam over the gentle giant of the sea, also affectionately called the bird of the sea and suddenly without reason or why was stung when the tail pierced his chest and lodged in his heart.

The news reported that he pulled the serrated barb out and was unconscious when brought up to his boat “The Croc1″

Terri and children were hiking in Tasmania and had not received word.

That is behind us now.

The fireside memorial held for family and closest of friends has been held at his beloved Australian Zoo, the Grand Memorial where his favorite song” True Blue” was sung by Mr. Williamson was presented at the Crocoseum,built by Steve for his feedings of his beloved DOLLS or Dinosaurs as he called them.

His daughter Bindi spoke so endearing of him, her father who she said she would miss every day and when seeing a crocodile would forever think of him.

The day that popular television personality Steve “Crocodile Hunter” Irwin died was the day his wife, Terri, says she lost her prince.

Terri, his beloved soul mate has spoken with Barbara Walters on 20/20.

“Soulmates are people who bring out the best in you.

They are not perfect but are always perfect for you.”

“Despite the loss of her husband, Terri says she still feels blessed that she had him in her life. “I had romance like I didn’t think existed anymore, a wonderful romance. He was passionate and determined and enthusiastic.”

“Steve changed the world.”

Terri says he changed the world by giving everyone a message.

“If you can reach out and touch and love and be with wildlife, you will forever be changed and you will want to make the world a better place. … If we do nothing … we’re in trouble. And he did more than anybody. So I think we can all do something.”

“He was fun.

He taught me it’s OK to play in the rain. And splash in my puddle. And let the kids get dirty. And spill ice cream on your pants.

He didn’t sweat the little stuff.

He followed the big picture.

And he had fun!

Now I’m going to work really hard at having fun again. …

I’m Mrs. Steve Irwin.

I’ve got a lot to live up to.”

Glass House Mountains Tourist Drive in respect and memory of Steve and all his conservation efforts has been renamed it “The Steve Irwin Way”

Though it did not make any of the television specials and retrospectives, one of my favorite tributes came on a radio phone-in show on the afternoon that Steve Irwin was killed.

A young mother chirpily recalled the day that her young infant managed to perform potty duties

For the first time without any mishaps.

In celebration, she told her proud young son that he could call anyone in the world to share

the good news.

“I want to call the Croc Hunter,” came the cry.

The moments,hours,days,weeks have gone by.

“flat out like a lizard drinking”

British poet Sydney Dobell wrote this eulogy in 1854

Nature, a jealous mistress, laid him low.

He woo’d and won her; and, by love made bold,

she show’d him more than mortal man should know,

Then slew him lest her secret should be told.

And yet, those rare few still lean ever closer, hungry for a hint or a whisper nature knows them or understands them or loves them like they love her. Or she even knows they exist.

That she doesn’t is chilling or comforting, the only constant.
Karen Bishop’s words helped me get through this grief.

From her post:

His departure could not have been more perfect. He was interacting with a representative of the animal kingdom. What we are about, always comes into our arena, as like energies always attract like energies. This incredible creature from the sea, volunteered to assist with the soul decision of Steve Irwin to depart. This man had a tremendous amount of heart. He oozed it wherever he went and with all he encountered. What a perfect alignment then, to go out through the energy of the heart.

The combination of the heart energy, the animal kingdom, and Steve Irwin created a perfect alignment for who he was in all ways.

And this was the energetic portal that he left through.



This Memorial was Written and Created by Cynthia

September 29th 2006.


Irma~Gone With the Wind

The Featured Image has changed a bit. After IRMA I have just one beautiful Palm to appreciate from my kitchen window.

Today marks an entire month since Irma hit us as a Category 4 Storm. She didn’t just smack, she destroyed.
The Grotto of Saint Mary’s in Key West,Florida is said to protect us.

I now am a firm believer of this.


Photo by Cynthia Martz


Court House Photo Credit ~ Shaun Wilson

The Linesman from many States including Colorado, Michigan were Here and got us up and running within 8-10 days. Very thankful for all their hard work and dedication.

On the Blvd (North Roosevelt)


Those from MM 10 and straight through the rest of the Keys Island Chain on into Georgia did not take IRMA as easily as we did.

Houses were completely blown off their concrete bases, cars floated upside down in the storm surge. Trees totally uprooted, debris scattered hither and yond.

The State Parks especially Bahia Honda took major devastation. It is a void wasteland with huge boulders hindering the roads to see the damage it done.
Such a beautiful park that I have spent many Sunday’s at over the years with my daughter and grandkids. Extended family and friends.





It will take some time to repair this beautiful sanctuary.

Photos from Key West.


Little Dove Photo by Cynthia Martz


Iguana Trees


The recently renovated Dion’s on the Blvd.

Two tornado’s made a path down North Roosevelt.

True, we were spared much devastation but it did in deed put a dent in the Ole Conch Shell. We lost some of our oldest Banyan and Gumbo Limbo Trees.


Photo Credit by Captain Tony’s daughter

“The Giving Tree”   is one of Silverstein’s best-known children’s books became a “Taking Tree,” destroying one of Key West’s literary landmarks.


Martello Towers on the BLVD left a shambles.

The Bat Tower, gone.
The spirit of the locals (Key West) and the ones that evacuated and came back are persons that truly care about their little piece of paradise.

One day at a time.

After the four Storms that came back to Back in 2005 we have been spared.

Our Lush foliage and green trees were just coming back. Twelve years later we begin a new.

Others lost their entire homes, possessions and years of struggling. Gone with the Wind. Their homes were not so fortunate.


Big Pine Key MM 30-32


Trailer in Big Coppitt Key MM 10

So many effected by earthquakes in Mexico, savage storms in Puerto Rico and neighboring Islands.

Thankful for all the lives spared.

Blessings to all of those who lost a loved one.

Mother Nature.

No matter where you live, there is always something that concerns us weather wise.


It is cycles the Earth passes through, a cleansing of sorts.

Doesn’t make it any easier to cope with the aftermath of such onslaughts.

Source of quote

“Is global warming a natural cycle? Or is global warming affected by human influence? What does the science say? Both are true. In the natural cycle, the world can warm, and cool, without any human interference. For the past million years this has occurred over and over at approximately 100,000 year intervals. About 80-90,000 years of ice age with about 10-20,000 years of warm period, give or take some thousands of years.”

Crikey~We Miss You


Steve Irwin


Born: 22-Feb-1962
       Birthplace: Victoria, Australia
         Died: 4-Sep-2006

The morning of September 4th 2006 I was watching the news. It was Labor Day Holiday.

I had went to put a pot of coffee on and heard the shocking words.
The news reverberated throughout the world very quickly.

The Wildlife Warrior, our Crocodile Hunter was dead.

He died on the 4th, he was 44.

I thought how strange, those numbers.
Many believe 444 means an angel is close by

In Doreen Virtue’s book on Angel Numbers, she describes the meaning of 444.
“Thousands of angels surround you at this moment loving and supporting you. You have a very strong and clear
connection with the angelic realm, and are an Earth angel yourself. You have nothing to fear, all is well.”

In disbelief and shock, my tears began falling.

As I went about my day the airways were filled with the news.
The unbelievable news that he was gone.

The man who seemed invincible had been swimming off the coast of the Great Barrier Reef.

He swam over the gentle giant of the sea, also affectionately called the bird of the sea and suddenly without reason or
why was stung when the tail pierced his chest and lodged in his heart.

The news reported that he pulled the serrated barb out and was unconscious when brought up to his boat “The Croc1”

Terri and children were hiking in Tasmania and had not received word.

That is behind us now.

The fireside memorial held for family and closest of friends has been held at his beloved Australian Zoo, the Grand
Memorial where his favorite song “True Blue” was sung by Mr. Williamson was presented at the Crocoseum.
It was built by Steve for his feedings of his beloved DOLLS or Dinosaurs as he called them.

His daughter Bindi spoke so endearing of him, her father who she said she would miss every day and when seeing a
crocodile would forever think of him.

The day that popular television personality Steve “Crocodile Hunter” Irwin died was the day his wife, Terri, says she
lost her prince.
Terri, his beloved soul mate has spoken with Barbara Walters on 20/20.

“Soul mates are people who bring out the best in you.
They are not perfect but are always perfect for you.”

Despite the loss of her husband, Terri says she still feels blessed that she had him in her life. “I had romance like I
didn’t think existed anymore, a wonderful romance. He was passionate and determined and enthusiastic.”

“Steve changed the world.”

Terri says he changed the world by giving everyone a message.

“If you can reach out and touch and love and be with wildlife, you will forever be changed and you will want to make the world a
better place.If we do nothing we’re in trouble. And he did more than anybody. So I think we can all do something.”

“He was fun. He taught me it’s OK to play in the rain, splash in my puddle.
Allow the kids too get dirty, and spill ice cream on their pants.”

He didn’t sweat the little stuff.

He followed the big picture.

And he had fun!

Now I’m going to work really hard at having fun again.

I’m Mrs. Steve Irwin.

I’ve got a lot to live up to.”

Glass House Mountains Tourist Drive in respect and memory of Steve and all his conservation efforts has been
renamed The Steve Irwin Way.

Though it did not make any of the television specials and retrospectives, one of my favorite tributes came on a radio
phone-in show on the afternoon that Steve Irwin was killed.

A young mother recalled the day that her young son managed to perform potty duties
for the first time without any mishaps.

In celebration, she told her proud young son that he could call anyone in the world to share the good news.

“I want to call the Croc Hunter,” came the cry.

The moments, hours, days, weeks have gone by.

“flat out like a lizard drinking”

“British poet Sydney Dobell wrote this eulogy in 1854

Nature, a jealous mistress, laid him low.

He woo’d and won her; and, by love made bold,

she show’d him more than mortal man should know,

Then slew him lest her secret should be told.

And yet, those rare few still lean ever closer, hungry for a hint or a whisper nature knows them or understands them or loves them like they love her. Or she even knows they exist.

That she doesn’t is chilling or comforting, the only constant. “

Karen Bishops words helped me get through this grief.

From her post:

His departure could not have been more perfect.
He was interacting with a representative of the animal kingdom.

What we are about, always comes into our arena, as like energies always attract like energies.

This incredible creature from the sea, volunteered to assist with the soul decision of Steve Irwin to depart.

This man had a tremendous amount of heart.
He oozed it wherever he went and with all he encountered.

What a perfect alignment then, to go out through the energy of the heart.

The combination of the heart energy, the animal kingdom.

Steve Irwin created a perfect alignment for who he was in all ways.

And this was the energetic portal that he left through.



This Memorial was Written and Created by Cynthia
September 29th 2006.

Key West Boat Kids

Hurricanes,Death in Custody,Could it happen again?



Ownership Drama


Cartoons by Arnaud Girard

Wisteria Island, also known as Christmas Tree Island, is a federally owned, uninhabited island in the lower Florida Keys 645 yards (590 m) northwest of the northwestern corner of the main island and city of Key West, Florida, Monroe County, United States. It is located 280 yards (260 m) north-northeast of Sunset Key (Tank Island), its closest neighbor.

Wisteria Island has an area of 0.04 mi² (0.1 km²) (exactly 106346 m²). The nickname Christmas Tree Island comes from the large number of Australian pine (casuarina) trees that grow there. Large numbers of live aboard boats are moored near the island.

In 2005 Key West was inundated with not one but four Hurricanes.

Hurricane Wilma was the one that had the Gulf meeting the Atlantic. The flooding and destruction were something some have never recovered from.

This is a short documentary on the kids and their families that were marooned on a nearby Island called Wisteria.

Island Gypsies

I have also included updates to show what the children are doing now 12 years later.

“The Worshiped Island. Key West” by Alexis Girard d’Albissin. He is in his 20’s now.

A Review of his writings

Nina and Naomi Newton are singers that guest spot occasionally with the Doerfels. They also are family integrated with their brother Aaron and father Toko Irie on (Steel Drums)

Key West’s Nina Newton recording original song, “I Can’t Breathe” in memory of Charles Eimers and Eric Garner and inspired by the “Black Lives Matter” movement and the national call for justice that is spreading across America. In studio with Naomi Newton and Clementine Girard.

Waiting in the clouds

For my life to begin

For my heart and my fear

For my voice, for my scream

I can’t breathe


Waiting in cities

Where sit lost and sad

The remains of your age

And the ghosts of your fear

The echoes of their screams


I can’t breathe

I can’t breathe


My life in the lights

That shine in his eyes

Sweet taste of a kiss

My exile when you sleep


I can’t breathe


Broken fathers who’ve

Never returned

Shamed for their race

The color of their skin

Color of their skin


I can’t breathe

I can’t breathe


But from a fire

Burning in the street

I hear now clamors for justice

From a fire, hope for justice

And love, oh love


For the homeless man

They kill with their guns

For the lies they will weave

The hate in their eyes


I can’t breathe


For the secrets they whisper

In the darkest corners

For the old tricks they play

Key West~Death in Custody

Clementine went to a School of Fine Arts in India, another wants to be a photographer and boat captain.

Source of information

Keeping up with our little Island in the Sun

The Blue Paper

Meandering I Suppose

7:47 PM 1/23/2017

I found my White Horse

You are most fortunate to have the horse spirit within you, for she has many things to teach you and many blessings to share.

The horse will show you how to balance your caring nature and deep love for others with your equally deep need for freedom and independence.

There will be days when she shows you how to relax fully, first rubbing against your loved ones, then just standing in the shade of the tree and munching the apples as they fall. Abundance will be yours, as she teaches you that a peaceful and centered life provides what is needed, like apples falling from a tree on a perfect summer’s day.

And when you ask, she will take you for a ride, as you run like the wind, faster and faster, until finally, like Pegasus, she sprouts wings, soars into the air and allows your soul to fly free. She will lift you to the heavens and reveal to you there your own highest self.

And through it all, she will show you how to stay deeply centered in the moment. She will teach you to live without worry or regret, your heart free of blame. Breathe in her spirit and she will bring you fully into this moment and all that it contains, where you can balance beauty and duty, freedom and togetherness, all in perfect joy and harmony.

10:50 AM 1/25/2017
The spider web weaves what no fly should touch…just saying

by Cynthia

12:39 PM 1/25/2017

First Stage of Scorpio: The Scorpion Scorpio – A “stage one” Scorpio exercises power through emotion and instinct. This Scorpio is symbolized by the scorpion, an insect more likely, in the end, to sting itself rather than others. Aggression and instinct are particular features of the Scorpion aspect, which is where the tendency to potential destructive behavior and competitiveness resides.

Second Stage of Scorpio: The Eagle Scorpio : A “stage two” Scorpio is symbolized by the Golden Eagle and exercises power through the intellect. Golden Eagle Scorpios show signs of maturity above Scorpion Scorpios in that they possess the ability to see what others miss, discern hidden motives, and discover deeper truths beneath the surface of life. This can prove to be either beneficial or exploitative, and can be used deceptively if not guarded. While Eagle Scorpios can indeed use these skills to help invent new medicines, save a patient’s life, successfully psychoanalyze the problems of others and help them find purpose, other  Eagle Scorpios are nonetheless not above exploiting others to suit their own purposes or interests, because Scorpios are also known for valuing power and wealth.

Third Stage of Scorpio: The Phoenix Scorpio: A “stage three” Scorpio is symbolized by the Dove of Peace and the Phoenix, which exercises power through love,  healing and transformation. The Phoenix represents a Scorpio who has been transformed, and has reached deep within him/herself to embrace the more subtle, mystical qualities of the soul, rather than ones ego, and in result soar to spiritual heights like a bird on the wing. The tendency to be judgmental and power-obsessed is gone, and rather the observational talents of Scorpio are fused with compassion rather than judgment, defeating a life of extremes and polarities and finding greater purpose  through self-spiritual development.

12:31 PM 1/31/2017

Camping Trip
Four guys have been going to the same deer camp for many years.Two days before the group is to leave, Ron’s wife puts her foot down and tells him he isn’t going.

Ron’s friends are very upset that he can’t go, but what can they do.
Two days later the three get to the camping site only to find Ron sitting there with a tent set up, firewood gathered, and dinner cooking on the fire.

“Dang man, how long you been here, and how did you talk your wife into letting you go?”

“Well, I’ve been here since yesterday. Yesterday evening, I was sitting in my chair and my wife came up behind me and put her hands over my eyes and said, ‘Guess who?
I pulled her hands off, and she was wearing a brand new nightie.
She took my hand and pulled me to our bedroom. The room had candles and rose petals all over.
On the bed she had handcuffs, and ropes! She told me to tie and cuff her to the bed, and I did.
And then she said, “Do whatever you want.”

So, Here I am.

2:25 PM 1/31/2017
While you are on just add “ss” to the video URL in order to start the default YouTube downloader.

7:44 PM 2/2/2017
From Doreen Virtue

Answer “Yes” or “No” to each question:
1. I can’t stand to be alone.
2. I would rather be with someone difficult than be
3. I am usually attracted to people who have
4. I’ve had more than one abusive romantic partner.
5. My childhood was painful.
6. I feel guilty much of the time.
7. I love reading magazines and online articles
about celebrities.
8. In conversations, I seem to be the person who
knows the most about the personal lives of
9. I enjoy watching reality television shows.
10. My life seems to be “one thing after another.”

3:37 PM 2/5/2017
“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Break up the bud. Insert the problems. Roll up the resentments. Light up the solutions. Inhale the happiness & exhale the past.

7:03 PM 2/6/2017


Upon a day Beauty and Ugliness met on the shore of a sea. And they said to one another, “Let us bathe in the sea.”

Then they disrobed and swam in the waters. And after a while Ugliness came back to shore and garmented himself with the garments of Beauty and walked away.

And Beauty too came out of the sea, and found not her raiment, and she was too shy to be naked, therefore she dressed herself with the raiment of Ugliness. And Beauty walked her way.

And to this very day men and women mistake the one for the other.

Yet some there are who have beheld the face of Beauty, and they know her notwithstanding her garments. And some there be who know the face of Ugliness, and the cloth conceals him not from their eyes.

by kahil-gibran

Moving Mind~ a ZEN Story

Two men were arguing about a flag flapping in the wind.

“It’s the wind that is really moving,” stated the first one. “No, it is the flag that is moving,” contended the second.

A Zen master, who happened to be walking by, overheard the debate and interrupted them. “Neither the flag nor the wind is moving,” he said, “It is MIND that moves.”

10:01 PM 2/6/2017
They told me with the veil and jojoba, I could pass and I did for a while. Going into the cafe dressed as a Berber was not a good idea.
Holding the Quran in your hand is not a very good idea
either. They are very serious about the Muslim religion.
They whispered about my American dress when I first came, but after a few months, I was like a local.

I made some bad choices, and had a few close calls.

11:06 AM 2/10/2017

I am not a one in a million kind of girl but I AM a once in a lifetime kind of woman.

You may be in my past, I assume you are in my present, you just might be in my future but I am not here….Leave a message.

2017 Atlantic hurricane season will start on
Thursday, June 1 and will end on Thursday, November 30
1:08 PM 2/12/2017

Something I just thought of. I slept in this Sunday. I am always up before light with the animals, but today I decided to sleep on. I looked out the window at such a beautiful day. I thought of Sunday’s with Rhea at Snipes Point watching dolphins frolic from the boat.
I sort of asked the universe to share someone with me that was older, had a boat, wasn’t interested in games and would be a companion. Ha~ don’t ask for much huh?

If you should come to know me

Body and Soul

My Secrets

My Shadows

My Mind

The perception you have created

Of me in your mind

Like a caterpillar’s metamorphosis

Nothing would remain the same

Between us

Better to be mysterious

Ask me no questions

Endure no lies

Let me bathe in the attentiveness

This moment

In the Maze of Time

Cynthia J.Martz Feb 12 2012

10:27 AM 2/16/2017
I’m a Gemini Moonbaby, I try to hide the Scorpio part as long as possible.

I am also an airy Rising Aquarius

11:52 AM 2/22/2017

The connection between Pisces man and Scorpio woman is one of a deep enrichment that is actually indescribable. They connect on so many levels and just seem to flow together so nicely. Scorpio woman shows him the ways of honesty and the confidence in knowing they are able to weather any storm and Pisces man can show her that it is not so bad to forgive and forget. Together they are very happy and close couple.

7:38 PM 2/22/2017

My new Favorite Song
Moby – JLTF Lyrics

We heard the rain on the window
Like a sinful waste of time
We heard the sirens’ wailing
Like the world had lost its smile
We spend our days together
Hiding far from everything
Oh we knew it was over
When the summer turned to spring

All the words we said
All the time we spent
Does it mean nothing
Does it mean nothing

12:24 AM 3/3/2017
Cynthia says~
When you feel like you are drowning just float

12:28 PM 3/9/2017

Been to London

Been to France

Traveled by Train through Spain

Passing Sunflowers in the Rain

Transfixed by island of Es Vedra Sirens of the Sea

Rode camels in the desert

Sit in ruins of mammoth caves
of myths and Hercules Legions engraved
at times secluded by the tide

Walked the maze of streets
Following white feathers

Medina’s filled with spice and trinkets

Smelled the Moroccan Rose with Jasmine entwined

Views of Gibraltar from the vine filled terrace
Snow capped Rif and Atlas Mountains

Sipping mint tea from Baba’s Cafe
Smoking Kif and hashish

My ever watchful mother’s eye on a two-year old
with wanderlust

Moments on Polaroid confiscated
Of this special place and time

by Cynthia

3:55 PM 3/27/2017
I was grinning tear to tear

5:31 PM 4/25/2017
Cynthia says~ Some can not hear because they just do not listen. Others wish they could hear so they could just Listen. Think about it.

4:11 PM 5/2/2017
Who needs a man when you got a Bob. Bob? Yeah, battery-operated boyfriend..

9:38 PM 5/4/2017
I had a misbehaving breakfast this morning. I had eggs beenadick.

10:15 PM 5/4/2017
Hidesight 2013
China, Minnie and Shy say they hope evfurrybody enjoys the enchantment of the season.May it continue to sprinkle Happy Fairy Hairball Dust all around you throughout the coming New Year.

10:29 PM 5/4/2017
If I could think of just one something I would like to have right at this moment it would be a like-minded companion. Someone that has grown through their relationships and at the same time learned from them. This is most important. If you haven’t learned the lesson the lesson will keep coming over and over until at some point you say aha. I got it. By George I think I got it. I wish I understood what in the heck I am doing.

My feelings flip faster than pancakes.

2:02 AM 5/7/2017
Don’t go back we’ll be right away

4:59 PM 5/7/2017
The Flying Fickle Finger of Fate Award
The States Congress established 1781 for ignoring 2oo million citizens and gun laws.

The share button comes and goes at Facebook’s will.

6:11 PM 5/7/2017

“Poema  X ” of Pablo Neruda

“Love is so short and forgetting is so long.”

Under The Harvest Moon” of Carl Sandburg
Lurks in the dusk
Of the wild red leaves,
Love, with little hands,
Comes and touches you
With a thousand memories
And asks you
Beautiful, unanswerable questions.

6:12 PM 5/7/2017
Nikola Tesla was raised an Orthodox Christian. Later in life he did not consider himself to be a “believer in the orthodox sense,” said he opposed religious fanaticism, and noted “Buddhism and Christianity are the greatest religions both in number of disciples and in importance”.[260] He also said “To me, the universe is simply a great machine which never came into being and never will end” and “what we call ‘soul’ or ‘spirit,’ is nothing more than the sum of the functioning’s of the body. When this functioning ceases, the ‘soul’ or the ‘spirit’ ceases likewise”


Until tomorrow folks when my oh so cluttered mind continues…

Time Changes Oh My

On a positive note it is a beautiful day at 78 ° and no storm clouds are in sight.

I am so relieved to be back home.
Ready for OUR Zoo day.
Rhea came at 4.
She said all her clocks fell back instead of springing forward. Her phone service has been out most of the day.
I was just getting up from a nice, sweet nap.

The farm is located just off of College Road, on Stock Island, at the Sheriff’s Office Headquarters complex. The smell emancipating from it is horrendous, the pond was dry and parched. Their were no animals out and about.

We walk to the entrance where I expected long lines and their were none. The gates were locked down.
I buzzed for information and when I said isn’t the  Zoo open from 3-6  ? He said “Negative” (Police jargon for a NO)  and added 1-3.

We left and headed down town Key West for a delicious homemade Tropical ice crème.

I love the Toasted Coconut and Cuban Coffee on a waffle cone.

We parked and paid $3.00 to do so.

The guy was dipping from the smallest dipper I have ever seen and I thought that will take at least 5 scoops to fill a waffle cone.
2 scoops cost over $6.00.

We left and rode further down town and came upon a little parlor across from the Customs Building. I took photos of the kissing statue and some other good shots.

Rhea said their is no place to park so she left the car and went and got her ice crème.
I waited.
She came back and said Homemade on premise two scoops $6.20. I went in and said Local and got my two scoops for $5.20.
Than on the way home, a stop at Publix for cat food and litter.
The cat food was NOT in the bag when I arrived.